Sunday, November 27, 2011

Our Three Thanksgivings

On Tuesday after district meeting we had a Thanksgiving dinner with all the missionaries. 

Everything was very tasty. The only thing that we were missing was cranberries.

The sisters made the corn muffins and the elders made the pies.

Everyone seemed to enjoy the meal and the company.

On Thanksgiving Day we had a dinner that was smaller and rather quiet and had neither cranberries nor pies.

Tonight we were invited to a dinner with many of the medical students and their families. There were about 30 people. Dinner was delicious. It was a bit noiser but - we had cranberries and pies!

We were three times blessed. We missed being with family but we did speak to everyone of our children and Grandma. Life is very good! We have so much to be thankful for.


Unknown said...

Wow! Three Thanksgiving guys are so popular :)
We wish we could have been with family too...but at least we got to talk to you.
Love you!

Joel (Bob) and Dresden said...

We were glad to talk to you too! We are thankful for you!