Saturday, March 26, 2011

Entering the Water

A little over a week ago we went to a town about 45 minutes away where we have two missionaries working. They had been teaching a lady named Jean Decoteau and were on the "Tithing Commandment Lesson". We sat in and assisted in the teaching and this humble sister was so willing to follow the law of tithing we really felt spiritually blessed to be there. This Wednesday I went back with the branch president and the zone leader to conduct the baptismal interviews. As you might guess, it all went very well. In this area of the church there are a number of requirements before baptism including reading from the Book of Mormon and attending church three times in a row, plus other things. She has done them all and more and really has a solid testimony of the church. Today, Saturday the 26th of March, she came down to our branch to be baptized accompanied by other branch members and Elders Baxter and Makanesi.
Our branch baptismal font is in the beautiful Caribbean Sea. We have concrete steps going down to it. The picture below is Jean and Elder Baxter in the font just before the baptism. Elder Baxter and Sister Jean leaving the font after she was baptized. Witnessing and participating in this baptism stands out as a special and sacred experience for us in our Mission. To be a part of bringing someone to the restored gospel is pretty almost better than anything we can think of. Our own dear family and friends are the things that are better than everything else. We love you all.


Unknown said...

That is wonderful.
What a beautiful place to be baptized!

CarolAnne said...

"How great shall be your joy in the kingdom of our Father." What a wonderful baptism experience!