Thursday, March 24, 2011

If I Only Had a Brain

This morning while we were getting our exercise walking on the beach, Raylene spotted something buried in the sand so I dug it up. I is a huge piece of Brain Coral and it is actually about the size of a human brain. Quite a find...and now we have a spare brain. Lest any of you think we don't do any actual missionary work, our next blog will be a baptism of a lady we helped to teach. She will be baptized this coming Saturday. The Elders did most of the teaching but we participated in the Tithing Commandment Lesson and then fellowshipped with her at an activity the next week.


Unknown said...

That is very cool!
...and couldn't we all use an extra brain!

jeniferstone said...

i need A brain - i'm not sure you could even call it "extra"....also...
beautiful place for baptisms....