Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Church's Most Beautiful Font

Our wonderful Sister Missionaries have been teaching Tessa for a couple of months now. We were blessed to be invited to join them in three of the five discussions. Sister Bush taught the entire lesson on chastity and we both assisted in two other lessons. the picture below shows Sister Mentore who is from Guyana, Tessa and Sister Olysse who is from Martinique. This is Tessa's baptism day. She insisted that the spirit told her that I, Elder Bush, was supposed to baptize her. That was certainly an easy assignment for me to accept. Me, (Elder Bush), and Tessa just before we headed down to the font. This is our natural font in back of the church where today I was blessed to baptize Tessa. I really can't describe what it is like for a missionary to perform a convert baptism. It just doesn't get any better than this. To make the day even better, we also had another baptism of a man named Alroy. He has loved going to church from the very first time. What a great day to be a missionary.


Joel (Bob) and Dresden said...

Thanks for sharing! What a great way for us to start our Sunday... what a special experience! Thank you for your wonderful example, we look forward to "copying" you in years to come.

Unknown said...

So cool!
Can't wait to show this to the kids :)