Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Another Baptism

Last Saturday, after the world did not end, we had another convert baptism. This is Claudius. He is 15 years old, almost 16, and is the son of the lady Elder Bush baptized earlier in the month. For Claudius, instead of the world ending, a new world has just begun. Elder Bush, the branch mission leader and one of the young elders witness the baptism. We add our testimony that this really is God's work and this is the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. It is a joy to be a part of it.


Unknown said...

We are glad the world didn't end :)
It is so wonderful what you are doing. Love you!

Carol said...

I was driving with Blythe when the world was supposed to end -- we'd just been with Bob and Dresden and children, so I'd probably have been fine with that kind of "end." I'm so glad for new beginnings, though -- BLESS YOU!