Sunday, June 12, 2011

Lambie Lunch

Here is the conch on the beach.

Now a close up on the animal coming out of its shell.

Conch or Lambie being cut in preparation for cooking.

Here is our Lambie lunch. The conch is in the upper left and has a yellow color. It has curry in it. Sister Tessa, a recent convert, fixed the lovely plates for us. She makes her living selling lambie to restaurants and on the street to local customers. It is rather tough so she says it has to be prepared correctly. Sometimes it is pounded and sometimes it is pressure cooked. It was actually quite tasty. Maybe if we had seen it crawling out of the shell we would have passed on trying. Life is an adventure and this was our chance to add lambie to our list of things of things we have tried that "taste like chicken".


Joel (Bob) and Dresden said...

Ewww. that looks gross. I also feel I could eat it only if I hadn't seen what it looks like before it is cooked.

Unknown said...

Pretty shell, gross looking creature...I don't think I'll be trying that anytime soon.

Sherri said...

The second picture was quite shocking after the first *beautiful* picture...I think I'll pass! :)