Sunday, July 10, 2011

Santo Domingo Temple Trip

This is our group, five Grenadians and Dad, early in the morning at the departure gate.

After stopping on three islands we arrive and load up at the Santo Domingo airport.

Our first view of the temple and our housing.

This is right after our first morning at the temple. Brother and Sister Rasmussen came from Idaho to reunite with our members. They were the Senior Missionaries who we replaced. It was a joyous reunion and we loved getting to know them.

There was a fourth of July party with all of the Senior Couple missionaries and our group was invited. We had grilled hot dogs and chicken and lots of other food and deserts. It was really fun and our branch president got into the spirit of it and was waving the American Flag to celebrate.

On the last day, just before leaving for the airport we all got together at the front gate of the temple and found a willing sister who graciously took our picture with five different cameras.

With our bags at the door we said our goodbuys to the friends we had met at the MTC and headed back to Grenada. We got there at around 9:15p.m. On the way from the airport all of our luggage got drenched in the rain so we had to unpack and lay clothing all over the apartment to dry. It was a wonderful and unforgettable trip.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It sounds like a great trip!