Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Visitors from Texas

Bob and Dresden arrived and spent a few days with us living the island life. We tried to pack a bunch into a few days around some regular missionary stuff. We loved having them here and had a marvelous time.

Our happy but tired travelers arrive in Grenada at the Maurice Bishop International Airport.

Ready for a morning walk on the beach.

We met Elvis at Concord Falls.

We visited Fort George which was built in 1706.

We got in some snorkeling for the "best day ever"!


St. George's Market was quite an experience for everyone with lots of new things to try.

Including dreadlocks.

"Welcome to the Isle of Spice where everything is so nice!"

Dinner at the Aquarium restaurant was wonderful.

 And then it was over - all too soon! We were missing them even before they left.
It made us homesick for all our family. We love you and miss you all.
Thanks to Carol and the kids for keeping everything under control at home.

(See Bush Gardens blog for their side of the story.)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So much fun! I hope we get to come :)