Wednesday, October 26, 2011

It's Half Time!

October 24th is the half way mark of this marvelous experience. It seems to have gone by quickly. We have been welcomed and loved by the people here and we feel at home. They say that the church is the same where ever you go but we have observed that a more correct way to say it is the Gospel is the same where ever you go, the way the church functions, of necessity varies. The church is young here. If you looked at church history you would see many similarities here with the first 35 years of the church. There are many wonderful, faithful saints here who are working hard to help the church grow in numbers and in strength. They deal with some very challenging circumstances.We are blessed to be a part of this Branch. Our hearts are filled with gratitude that we could have this opportunity and that we have been supported, encouraged and prayed for by our amazing family and friends. We thank you all! See you in 9 months.


Sherri said...

WOW...half time already!?! You two are *amazing*! Grateful to have you as our friends!!! Loves :)

Unknown said...

Can't believe you are half way done! We miss you terribly, but love you so much and love how you are serving. Thanks for being such wonderful examples to us and our children. Love you!