Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Some Random Scenes of the First Half

Thought we would share a few unusual sights of the last few months. Enjoy!
We had to pay her $5 to take her photo. We saw her one day with several very long boards balanced on her head, no camera. It seems that it is mostly older people who carry things on their heads, like coolers, baskets, etc.

I dubbed this the "Redneck Yacht" for obvious reasons.

Its owner is very enterprising. He actually lives on this homemade boat.

We don't even have a McDonald's here!
The fish monger on Lagoon Road cutting Barracuda steaks for sale - haven't tried it yet.

Joseph (AKA Jesus), a homeless man we see frequently, stopped by the truck to say hello one day at the post office.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great pictures. I hope to see some of these sights in person.