Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Another First

Jasmin Cummings had a birthday on Tuesday, November 8th.
She wanted to be baptized on her birthday and she got her wish.

This was the first 8 year old baptism in the branch since we arrived.
She and her family are very active members. Her father, Heston, is Grenadian
and her mother, Simone (a returned missionary), is from Guyana.
 Jasmin is a beautiful girl and has such a sweet personality.
She wanted her father to baptize her.

It was a beautiful day for a baptism.

She is such a delightful child. She was excited to get baptized like her older sister, Diamond.
Heston Jr. is still a couple years away from baptism age.

What a blessing to share this experience with a terrific family on a special day!


Sherri said...

Special! :)

Unknown said...

Very cool. I love the picture of her with mom :)