Saturday, November 5, 2011

Mini Health Fair

Our Branch sponsored a health fair today. This is the second one since we arrived here. The medical students at St. George's University arranged for lectures and had people there to do vitals, BMI, blood sugar tests, etc

There was also a yoga class that was well attended. They had to hold a couple of sessions.

Afterward we had "healthy" snacks.

Following the health fair we had a free flea market. We sorted through bags and boxes the two days leading up to the event. There was a lot of clothing left from when the church sent a shipment after hurrican Ivan.

Everything was put out and people were free to take anything that they could use.
It was a very successful event.


Joel (Bob) and Dresden said...

Looks like a great activity!

Sherri said...

Enjoy hearing / seeing your mission adventures!

Unknown said...

Sounds like a wonderful activity