Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Random Pictures for 12 months

Two parting photos from Grenada.
How do they get home when it snows?

Missing our Georgia accountant.

- Moving on to St. Lucia -

We found some "knock off" businesses, none of which measure up to what we are used to in the USA.

The final shot is an interesting contrast captured in the harbor in Castries, St. Lucia.
This "pirate ship" was used in the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean". The owner'e wife is a member of the church. One of our Elders knows them well and is going to try and arrange an opportunity for us to go onboard.


Lizzy and Dallas said...

I would love to be able to go on board that boat. Take lots of pictures when you do!!! That house here in Grenada with the STEEP driveway, across from my house. Well I saw a car drive up there the other day, and I could not believe that it made it. Yes, its a good thing that there is no snow here!!! We sure miss you. Glad all is going well. Our blog is www.wrightsingrenada.blogspot.com if you would like to stay in touch!

Unknown said...

Very cool. I want to go on that pirate ship too :)

...and I have a feeling that it doesn't snow there, ha ha!