Monday, March 19, 2012

Octopus Squared

We walked to a nearby beach this morning for our daily exercise, about a 20 minute walk. Bob likes to go snorkeling there and today he saw an octopus that looked almost exactly like the one in the photo. He said it was swimming along and as he approached, it sat down on the bottom so he just hovered over it watching. finally it flared out and shot ink as it scooted under some coral and out of sight. A few minutes later he saw another one just a little smaller. Wow, a two octopus day.


Lizzy and Dallas said...

That is so neat! Can't wait until I will get to see one of those.. let alone 2? That is so cool.

Unknown said...

So cool!

jeniferstone said...

been awhile since i checked in on the blog. ya'll are living an amazing story! from octopi to baptisims....amazing!

Joel (Bob) and Dresden said...

Thats so awesome!!!