Monday, April 16, 2012

The Isom's Visit

We had such a glorious visit! Kiersten and Mike arrived very late on the 4th. We chatted a little and then went to bed to prepare for a full day on Thursday. We did a couple of touristy things and made a visit to a member.
Military ruins at Pigeon Island
We walked on the beach and went to the Market, AKA tourist trap. We had a Caribbean lunch of local foods, some good and some not so great. They also tried coconut water.
The next morning went to see a pirate ship named the Unicorn. We were welcomed aboard by Captain Sam.
Captain Sam showed us around the ship and told us some of its history. He was in the first two "Pirates of the Caribbean " movies with the ship. He had some good stories about that. He said that he has a good relationship with Johnny Depp and they still correspond. The Unicorn was also the ship that carried slaves used in the TV movie "Roots". It was an interesting morning.
Forgetting that it was Good Friday, a big holiday here, and neglecting to fill the fuel tank of the truck we had to modify our plans. Since everything was closed we did some beach time.

Then came Saturday and our trip to Martinique.

It was an hour and a half ferry boat ride. Finally we docked in the harbor in Fort de France.

Sister Weslande Olysse, who served with us in Grenada, and her "mom" were there in Fort de France to meet us. They had a wonderful driver and van - with air conditioning waiting. We went to a little bakery for some breakfast, compliments of Weslande Olysse. After breakfast we walked about the town looking for souvenirs and looking at the sights. Among other things we saw crabs for sale at the market, a reflection of the cathedral and a headless Marie Antoinette.

We came upon a street band. Sister Olysse  couldn't help herself and she started to dance.
We loaded into the van and drove down the coast to a place called Rocher du Diamiant (Diamond Rock). This is the only rock in the British navy. (Google that!) The British had a base there and Napoleon ordered his troops to capture it. Which they did.
There are some statues as monuments to slaves who died in an accident at that spot. They are giant 8 foot tall figures. They are a tribute to the slaves who were chained together in the cargo hold of  the ship when during a storm it was dashed against the rocks. The slaves and many of the ship's crew were drowned on April 7, 1830. 

We drove to Hotel du Parc where Weslande Olysse lives and works with her "mom'. they served us a wonderful lunch and we had a fun visit in spite of the language barrier with her mom and the driver.
All too soon it was time to get back to the ferry for the return trip to St. Lucia. This trip was not so pleasant, due to delays, crowds of people and unorganized debarking.
The good news was that we were able to find a gas station open and fill the tank - big sigh of relief.
Easter Sunday was a beautiful and pleasant day with lovely music and the spirit in abundance.
Monday we was jammed full- snorkeling at Chastenet, lunch at the Ladera resort in the Dasheene restaurant celebrating Mike's birthday. What a spectacular view of the Pitons!

We went into the island's "drive-in volcano" called Sulfur Springs, much like Yellowstone. We made some visits to members families and then grilled steaks on the veranda. Very yummy dinner.
The next day after feeding the missionaries we drove to find the "Snake man" and got some photos.

On the way home we had another photo op at the natural arch.
We ended the night at the Coal Pot restaurant. Nice end to a busy day.
Our last morning we drove to Vieux Fort, had lunch and served as the "pit crew" for the sister missionaries before going to the airport to say good-bye.
Service - a great way to end a wonderful week long vacation. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We had such a great time! Thanks for everything!