Thursday, June 14, 2012

Birding in St. Lucia

We decided to go bird watching, or "birding", at St. Lucia's Millet Bird Sanctuary where the St. Lucia Parrot can be found. It was once on the endangered list but has since recovered to more than 2,000. It cost $75.00 EC per person for three hours of watching. They have feeders set up which are coconut quarters on a pole. They loaned us some binoculars and a guide took us to have a look.
We saw a St. Lucia Warbler...

...and we saw the same little red throated black bird that comes into our apartment every day. I don't know what it is but it sure likes the bananas in the apartment. And so we waited, and waited, and waited...
...but the only parrot we saw was this one! The guide then explained to us that May is the best time to see parrots because that is mango season and they come in for the mangos.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Bet Greg would have loved that...especially in May :)