Saturday, April 2, 2011

Burning Bush

Thursday just before we were getting ready to go to the airport to fly to St. Vincent for a Zone Conference, Sister Bush decided to do the dishes. As we have no hot running water, this requires heating water on the stove in a pot. She likes it boiling hot so she can add cold water and have a sink full of good hot water. While removing the pot from the stove, the pot tipped and spilled the scalding water on her left wrist and hand. A loud scream brought me immediately to the kitchen. Look closely and you can see a big blister on her wrist. This photo gives a comparitive look at the two hands. Clearly the left hand is darker colored and slightly swollen. By the time this photo was taken the large blister had broken and drained.
The last photo shows the large blisters still remaining on the underside of the left wrist. She kept ice water on it from the very start, clear until we got home last night. The security checkpoint even let her bring a big bag of ice through with her once she showed them her blisters. She now is pain free and just awaits the healing process to be completed. It will take five or six days.


Joel (Bob) and Dresden said...

Ouch. Ouch. Ouch. We hope you heal soon!

Unknown said...

Oh, ouch!!

...but I love the title of the post :)

CarolAnne said...

What an awful thing to happen! I hope your arm feels better quickly. Same arm as the one broken last summer? Take care.

jeniferstone said...

there are no words....excpet maybe yeouch......cute blog title tho....