Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Waterfalls and Monkeys

We had some visitors, Elder and Sister Childs, come from the mission office. Elder Childs did some training and then we all took a couple of days to see some sights. We went to see another of the beautiful waterfalls here in Grenada. There are quite a few. None of them are really big. This one we are told is the biggest. It is named Concord Falls. We actually went into the pool and Bob and the others went swimming and Bob jumped off a ten foot high rock into the pool. The next day we drove up into the small rain forest and were lucky enough to see some monkeys.These monkeys are wild but have become accustomed to their larger human friends. This one sits patiently while Bob peels a banana to feed to it. Bob feeds a piece of the banana to the little primate. This monkey was so tame it let Raylene pet it like a cat

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Cool :)
Reminds me of the ducks and geese that I take my kids to feed. They are very use to humans.