Saturday, June 11, 2011

Lost and Found

A little over a week ago we went up north to an area called Gouyave, (pronounced Gwahv) to spend the evening with the two Elders assigned there. They informed us that they had found a member of the church in a nearby town named Victoria and they wanted us to meet her. Her name is Sharon Morris. She was baptized in Canada almost twelve years ago and two months later moved back to Grenada. She has had no contact with the church for over 11 years. Our Elders do not usually go to Victoria but they did and were led right to her door. She works at a boys home called Father Malligan's Home for Boys. The more she told us about it the more we wanted to do something. The boys are placed there by the court because they have been in trouble with the law, or abandoned or abused. They need a safe place to live and so they are sent to Father Malligan's. They go to school in the day and then come back to the home. Five days later we traveled up there again accompanied by our Relief Society president. We had been given permission from our branch president to give them some of the personal hygene kits we have stored in the church basement. The boys home houses about 16 boys from 8 to 18 years old. This is a picture of some of them. Sister Bush, left and Rolda Williams, our Relief Society president at right, are pictured with Linda Jones, the director of the boys home. We presented her with enough personal hygene kits for every boy. We are hoping to facilitate a humanitarian project for the boys home sometime this year. Elder Bush gives a personal hygene kit to one of the boys.


Joel (Bob) and Dresden said...

We love what you are doing! Every time we read your blog we feel inspired. Thanks!

Bob and Dresden

Sherri said...

So much good going on around the world...and you're a part of it!