Saturday, February 18, 2012

Mission Impossible - Almost

Sister Martina Marius is 81 years old and confined to bed due to health problems and pain associated with arthritis. She is only able to sit for very short periods of time and usually lies on her side or stomach. She has been taught by the missionaries for over 4 months and she really wanted to be baptized. She was convinced that it would never happen and so she gave the missionaries all her information so that they could have her baptized after her death. She said she was anxious to share the gospel with others in the spirit world. She has given the missionaries over 15 names of friends and family for them to contact and teach if they seem interested. She is an amazingly optimistic and cheerful person. It has been several years since she has been out of her home. The doctor comes to her - what a concept. She lives with her 12 year old great niece who is her care giver. She has a woman who comes in to cook and clean for her.

She was so delighted when a way was opened up for her to be baptized. She was a little scared about it at first but all the Elders promised that she would be OK. They would not let her fall. Even with her fears she was excited and happy to get to be baptized.

The following is the account written by Elder Jones. He was among her teachers from the first day.

"The most amazing experience ever. We baptized Sister Marius, the sweetest, toughest old 81 year-old lady I’ve ever met (who claims to be 18). Toughest thing we've ever done and it could never have happened without Elder Hunt, Elder Palmer, Brother De'Beauville, Elder Bush and Elder Bills. We arrived at Sister Marius home, which is in a ravine; with a stretcher the Red Cross let us borrow. Now she is not a light lady. She herself will tell you "I'm just laying here like a big blob!" But she was a soldier through it all. It was so hard carrying her out from her home to the truck, but after 45 minutes, which takes less than 30 seconds to walk normally, we finally made it to the truck, where she was then loaded in. When we got to the beach we got her out and walked out to the rough sea, out to battle Poseidon. After four attempts, our arms were dead and poor Sister Marius was a little scared (imagine not seeing the sky for years, let alone going into the sea for a dip), so we trudged back to the beach to take a breather. We made it, after half of us got knocked over by a massive, unexpected wave. After re-motivating ourselves, we went back out for Round 2. This time Brother De'Beauville joined us. Finally, a few tries later and making sure she went all the way under, Sister Marius was baptized by water. We quickly shot for the beach (all the while lifting her to shoulder-height at the sign of any wave) and collapsed on the ground. Awesome Sister Marius was clapping for joy on her orange stretcher and the whole group on onlookers was awestruck. The next day, she was confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and received the Holy Ghost. With tears she thanked all of her missionaries, her "angels." That was the baptism of the century."

 Here are a few pictures of the most unusual baptism that we have ever been a part of.
She was dressed in white and waiting for us.

Elder Palmer's face tells how how they struggled to make it down.

Notice the concrete blocks stacked for stairs. They were wobbly.

Six men took turns carrying her.

Finally in the truck.
After the hike down was the drive up.

Arrival at the beach.

Going out into the "font".

Round two with Bro. De'Beauville's help. Something prompted him to wear white, good thing he listened. He was very much needed. The Elders were exhausted.
Successful baptism.
She was so happy.
After the long trip back up the hill we got her safely to her room.

The newly confirmed Sister Marius.

She told me that she slept very well Saturday night. I asked if it was because we wore her out. She said that was not it. She had relief from pain and felt so comfortable. I asked if she had been frightened by the rough sea. She said she was not. That the she had so many sins that the Lord needed to really scrub her. "Now all my sins are washed away and I am clean."


Lizzy and Dallas said...

Amazing story.. Thank you so much for sharing. I even shared it on my blog! :)

Terry said...

Hi Sister Bush! I am Lizzy Wright's mom and I just wanted to tell you how much they miss you in Grenada! This baptism was amazing! What a beautiful day for all of you! I shared the story in my Relief Society lesson on Sunday! They all loved it! We so appreciate how you welcomed Lizzy and Dallas and our precious Tytan! We miss them like crazy! Much love to you!

Unknown said...

What a neat story!