Sunday, February 12, 2012

Our Senior Trip to Trinidad

  We attended a Senior Couples conference in Trinidad. We stayed in a Bed and Breakfast very near the mission home.

 It was our last senior conference. It was also our mission Presiden't last one. It was very good. We came away more committed to being obedient and setting a better example for everyone, especially the young missionaries.
President and Sister Gamiette

Two days were filled with meetings, instruction, teachings, chatting, laughing, singing, visiting, and lots of delicious food. A group photo was taken.

We also got to go on a "field trip" this time. We went to the Caroni Swamp Bird Sanctuary, a maze of waterways in a mangrove swamp which held the promise of sightings of cayman, crustacean life, and more than 186 species of bird wildlife. That promise went largely unfilled but we did see ----
 one Blue Heron, many Snowy Egrets and lots of Scarlet Ibis. They were far away so these close ups were taken from the web so you would know what you are looking at in our very amature pictures

We took a boat to the island where the birds return after feeding all day.

At first we saw just a few. Then more and more flew in and settled in the trees. This went on until the trees were filled with litteraly hundreds of these beautiful birds.

(Envious, Greg?)

Our guide pointed out a boa constrictor in the trees overhead, little tree crabs and the four eyed fish.

The scenery was stunning.

We truly enjoyed the time spend with old and new friends and with each other.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Looks amazing! The kids love seeing all the red birds and the boa constrictor.