Sunday, October 21, 2012

Fall break at Grandpa and Grandma's

Zach and Katie came to spend a week for their fall break. They were here with us Monday through Thrusday. We spent as much time with the cousins as possible. School was out on Monday so we went to the zoo. We wore our Team Jan shirts to show our support of Jan and to make it easier to keep track of everyone.

Everyone loved climbing on the sculptures. Here are Eve, Maren, Julianne, Zach, Holden, Katie, Mackenzie and Henry with the gorilla.

 Now they are sitting on the lions.
Zach pretending to be gored by a rhino
and peeking out of a hollow log with Julianne, Maren, Katie, Kenzie, Henry and Holden near by.
Katie, Maren and Henry on the polar bear.
They tried sitting in an eagle's nest
and under a huge elephant
or on it.
We saw sealions,
a very active polar bear
and a one month old baby giraffe.
We saw the size of an elephant skull
and drank from the lion fountain.
They rode the carousel.


On Tuesday we visited Great grandma Elmer. She is 96.
Every night we had dinners together to maximize cousin time.
On our last day together Zach and Katie carved jack-o-lanterns.


Now they are back at home in Colorado. Hopefully they had as much fun as Grandpa and Grandma did. We will miss them just like we miss all the rest of the family who are far away.
 Thanks for coming and spending time with us.


Unknown said...

Looks like a great time with great kids!

Selena said...

Wonderful family time with the grand children, parents, and grand ma. Sweet!