Sunday, July 17, 2011

Grenada General Hospital

Below you see the Grenada General Hospital in St. George's. It looks like a big nice modern hospital right on the Caribbean.
We have had one of our member sisters in the hospital for almost a month now and so we decided to let you see what it looks like. 
But first, here is a look at the swell parking lot. The pavement is all broken up going down to a dirt parking area and a little farther is a cement parking area with the skeleton of what was going to be a multi-level "car park" as they call it here.
The nurses wear these very quaint and nostalgic uniforms of which I am actually quite fond. They look so official and neat.
Ah but then you get a look at the "Wards". They are definately a retro look with old fasioned curtained dividers between the beds...and oh yes, no bathroom in sight, or I should say "wash room"; so bring your Depends. (our sister actually has a supply furnished by the branch). There is only one TV on the floor. No frills here.
This is our sister sitting on her own sheets brought from home and also wearing her own gown as the hospital furnishes neither except in extreme cases. They also do not launder the sheets or your gown. You have to have someone come and pick them up and return them clean.

The beds are the old hand crank style and the bedside tables have tops made of particle board covered with formica. Over time the humidity and being used have released the formica from the particle board and it has chipped away leaving the deteriorating particle board around the edges.
But alas, we found something new and nice; a wheel chair donated by the church. I admit, it really made me smile to see it. My sincere hope is that neither of us has any reason to be in the hospital except to visit others. Pray for us.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow! The outside looks pretty nice, I guess they spent all their money on that...I can't believe no bathrooms, yikes!